Being a newly formed charity dropped into the hugeness that is India, it often felt like we were a small fish in a very big pond (media attention, when it found us, was interested but minimal and local).  With a completed project under our belt and trucking our way into small Kyrgyzstan (population 5 million), we are suddenly a medium sized fish in a small pond!

Its into this context that I find myself sitting in the hot seat of news conference next to the Minister for Labour and Social Development.  In front of us a dozen journalists quizzing me on why we are here and how did we manage to get this project underway.  They seem genuinely interested in our India project and that we would decide to come to Kyrgyzstan.

The news conference was set up by our contact at CAIConsulting  as a means to kick start the movement for social development for vulnerable children.  This is an amazing achievement of PWB’s to be the catalyst for such an important debate that emerging countries like Kyrgyzstan need to make.  The Minister thanked us for coming and working with the most disadvantaged children in their society and invited us to return and make a full project.

So with a fantastic contact here and the Minister on our side its no surprise that we got national TV coverage and full page colour articles in national papers.  PWB is big in Kyrgyzstan and with a teaching project on the cards it can only get bigger!

Almaty, Kazakhstan 1/6/08

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  • siddharth

    Great job everybody, it’s lovely to see your work . The effort you people are taking is mind blowing ,Keep it up.

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