In the summer of 2019 Performers Without Borders (PWB) delivered a series of 8 circus skills and performance arts workshops at the Swiss Cottage Special Needs School in North London. The series ran weekly from 10am to midday on Friday 17th May to Friday 12th July 2019 to an average of 15 participants between the ages of 12 and 16 in two one hour classes.
Please download and read the full evaluation report here. And watch the short video below.
Summary of the report is given below.
We would like to thank the Network for Social Change for their generous support, without which these successes would not have been possible. We look forward to providing similar projects across the UK in partnership with other funding bodies and partner organisations working with disadvantaged young people.
At the first and last workshops, Before and After questionnaires were completed by the participants. Additionally, at the last workshop, 8 participants were audio interviewed, some Adult Helper feedback videos were made and Adult Helper Questionnaires were completed in order to assess the impact of our work. The workshops were funded by a Network for Social Change (NSC) grant and were delivered by the PWB Manager South Jamie Moore. The evaluation materials were collected and compiled by the author, PWB Manager Dr Peter King.
The workshops were delivered on time and within budget and achieved their predicted goals. The participants reported enjoying the workshops and benefiting a lot from them. Although the Participant Questionnaires yielded ambiguous results, the Adult Helper Questionnaires & Video Interviews & Participant Audio Interviews confirmed that learning circus skills was widely accessible and inclusive and good for the participants physical and psychological wellbeing. In general, the evaluation found evidence that the workshop series improved the participants physical coordination, their confidence, sociability and positive outlook, as well as giving them a new enjoyable hobby to practice in the future.
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