It’s March already and we’ve just finished our first week in Kolkata. The weeks are passing by so fast, it’s crazy! We’ve done so much and still have lots to learn and experience. I’m loving every minute spent with the kids we’ve been working with.

After a short break it was great to have the team back together and bring some exciting PWB-ness to new places and faces. We spent our first week here doing outreach work at Ninos del Topsia- a school for children of the slums. Although we spent just three days doing workshops after school, the amount they learnt is incredible. The classroom didn’t have much space, so the skills we could teach were limited, but we played lots of theatre games which went down well; the whole group got really involved. It’s so much fun getting the chance to see all these kids being silly as well as playing with devil sticks, being creative and working together. We even managed to squeeze some acrobalance moves in. There were kids piled right up to the ceiling. For our last workshop we put together a sequence of their new skills for everyone to perform. The next day when we arrived to do the show, the park was full of acrobats practicing in their groups. Some even invented their own moves! All the children we taught got to perform to an audience including people up trees, on rooftops, each other and us.

It made me so happy to see so many children enjoying something that as a child and still now has always been one of my favourite things to do. I’m so glad to have the chance to share it with amazing kids!


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