Runny little noses
Untied show laces
Can’t help but fall in love with the look of admiration on their faces.

Bright young eyes
Inquisitive glances
I wondered if they’d accept me and I’m glad I took my chances.

Smiles are universal
Their hugs full of appreciation
My time here has reminded me laughter is the same in every language.

With rough dusty hands
We toss sticks in the yard
And temporarily forget that their lives are really hard.

We must teach them how to share
They outnumber the resources by far
Sometimes the scarcity mindset can make learning patience pretty hard.

“Look at me”, they chant
A little attention is all they want
And even with nightly bedtime stories I can’t feel I’ve given them enough.

I do my best to be present
Their synchronized dances melt my heart
I’ll never forget their situation even long after I depart.

I learn so much from them
By their endless dedication
I’m incredibly confident they will surpass life’s tribulations.

Though they were abandoned
In this world they belong
Remind them that with an education they will continue to grow strong.

And thanks to this learning center
I see them filled with purpose and elation
I want only to give back a fraction of the inspiration.

I thank my fellow teachers
For their selfless participation
In impacting these lives through playful meditation.

This tour was really beautiful
And for now our it must conclude.
If you’re inspired by our story, there’s always more to do.

Written by Enrico SolRiso, March 2018




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  • Julia

    Dear enrico!
    What a treasure to put this time in so beautiful words! You are such a wonderful person!
    Thanksgiving for this poem!

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