In the morning scrub everything clean
turn it out
beat it down
Our cricket pitch –
dustbath with holes –
where the dogs sleep.  We sweep.
Every tumbling leaf is vanished

Holyday is no holiday
PWB play circus.
PWB play face painting.
PWB play pleasecanyoudoashowforthevisitors
PWB play it well.
PWB beam our sweaty faces around
and drink fresh juice
PWB finish.
Deepwali Puja begins…

The festival of lights
Brights on every window ledge
balcony edge
buried in the sand
sneaky in the trees all around.

The festival of sugar
Sweetness & light
Syrupy smiles
Sticky hands are never satisfied
-still grab for more than they should.
As if it is expected?

Dance for your dinner
We firedance off into the night.


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