I first visited Pakistan during the summer of 2001.  I spent 10 weeks in the vibrant, chaotic cities and epic, rugged mountains.  I loved the authentic mix of hospitality, culture, adventure and natural beauty.  In the end the visit was curtailed by the momentum surrounding the events of September 11th(‘Is Osama bin Laden in Pakistan?’ was the question of the time).

Ever since Pakistan has been at the fault line of opposing powers fighting for their definition of ‘freedom’.  In this environment of uncertainty ‘the people’ of Pakistan (recognising their own freedom) take the prosaic attitude of wait and see.  Wait and see if the President will truly allow democracy to flourish.  Wait and see if the new Prime Minister is honest and incorruptible.  Wait and see if the current internal attacks on the government petter out or lead to concessions.  Despite the strong military presence and continual suspicion normal life goes on regardless.

PWB aren’t working in Pakistan.  Our contacts advised us that the situation was too sensitive to work with foreign nationals.  This is a big shame as we had plenty of time (one month between end of out Indian visas and the Khunjerab pass to India opening to China).  Inshallah  we will work in Pakistan in the future.  What we have done is explored some of this fascinating country and boosted numbers in a struggling tourist industry.

Its May, the pass is open to China.  Time to move on into uncharted waters.  Till next time Pakistan.  Next stop Xinjang provience China and the ancient city of Kashgar.

Karimabad, Pakistan. 4/5/08

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